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"Spreading wisdom culture through authentic music."

"OMEN TASETI, a Johannesburg based rapper, songwriter and entrepreneur; uses music as a tool to engage and enlighten his generation.

Born Sandile Lelaka, to average working
parents his upbringing in the small town of Randfontein, west of Johannesburg, has been an inspiratioin to create more out of

Whether it was learning how to play his father’s guitar as young as 13 or the excessive exposure to gangster rap songs his uncle had on record since his prmary school days, which sparked his interest in writing music, it was further motivated by the everyday questions about life, God and his purpose in it all.

Uncovering this curiosity into rhyme and prose in a philosophical and enlightening
way what makes TASETI a recognisable voice among his peers."

[Biography Extract - request the complete biogapbio on the Press Kit page.]


For event bookngs and artist admin kindly 
contact Ange Promotions & Entertainment.

Tel: 084 416 5603 (PAULINE)

(For general info - whatsapp 076 922 3652)


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